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Contact centre on mobile

With CZ Mobile you get advanced features such as contact book, customer CRM page, call recordings, call logs and comprehensive call reports at a single touch.

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A mobile app for greater mobility

CZ Mobile is a mobile first solution that encourages greater mobility by removing the dependency of agents on laptop/desktops/PRI/landlines and by bringing telephony on their smart phones. It is largely useful for distributed workforce in sales, support and collection.

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Most cost effective solution

With almost no hardware and infrastructure required, this is a very cost effective and flexible solution for distributed team. However the smartness of CZ Mobile provides the organisation an efficient way to work remotely.

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Contact centre on mobile

With CZ Mobile you get advanced features such as contact book, customer CRM page, call recordings, call logs and comprehensive call reports at a single touch.

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A mobile app for greater mobility

CZ Mobile is a mobile first solution that encourages greater mobility by removing the dependency of agents on laptop/desktops/PRI/landlines and by bringing telephony on their smart phones. It is largely useful for distributed workforce in sales, support and collection.

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Most cost effective solution

With almost no hardware and infrastructure required, this is a very cost effective and flexible solution for distributed team. However the smartness of CZ Mobile provides the organisation an efficient way to work remotely.

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Contact centre on mobile

With CZ Mobile you get advanced features such as contact book, customer CRM page, call recordings, call logs and comprehensive call reports at a single touch.

A mobile app for greater mobility

CZ Mobile is a mobile first solution that encourages greater mobility by removing the dependency of agents on laptop/desktops/PRI/landlines and by bringing telephony on their smart phones. It is largely useful for distributed workforce in sales, support and collection.

Most cost effective solution

With almost no hardware and infrastructure required, this is a very cost effective and flexible solution for distributed team. However the smartness of CZ Mobile provides the organisation an efficient way to work remotely.

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<span class='nav-items-capital'>CZ Mobile with a mini CRM</span> <span class='nav-items-capital'>CZ Mobile with a mini CRM</span>

CZ Mobile with a mini CRM

Agents login to CZ Mobile application with their unique user ID (agent ID) and password. Once logged-in they can access the customer contacts, customer CRM page, call notifications and SMS functionalities

<span class='sms-capital-letter'>Mobile SIM based dialing</span> <span class='sms-capital-letter'>Mobile SIM based dialing</span>

Mobile SIM based dialing

CZ Mobile is essentially meant for remote workforce and is generally outbound. It uses the SIM card of the agent’s mobile for the calling operations. The individual SIM card number of the agent gets displayed to the customer so customers too can call back the same agent.

Centralised control Centralised control

Centralised control

CZ Mobile admin panel is the control centre from where agents are managed. Leads are uploaded and sent to agents in a single click. All call details, dispositions, notes and voice records are synced back and available in the admin panel for monitoring, call tracking and follow up.

Mobile dashboard Mobile dashboard

Mobile dashboard

Instead of field executives managing Excel sheets on their mobile phones for capturing customer information, a dashboard on the mobile application portal is provided wherein a customer CRM page is available for accessing relevant customer information.

<span class='nav-items-capital'>SMS through CZ Mobile</span> <span class='nav-items-capital'>SMS through CZ Mobile</span>

SMS through CZ Mobile

A pre-defined SMS can be sent to customer mobile number. Field executives can select from a drop down of pre-defined SMS templates and click on send to push SMS to customer. The mobile SIM card services would be used to send the SMS.

Incoming calls treatment Incoming calls treatment

Incoming calls treatment

When an inbound call is received, the inbound caller number is matched with any of the customer’s lead. If the contact is in the CRM, then the customer CRM page automatically pops up on the mobile and call recording is initiated. Inbound call from unknown number (not in the CRM) would not lead to voice recording and popping up of the CRM.

Call Logs Call Logs

Call Logs

All the calls logs – inbound, outbound & missed calls to agent mobile number are stored in the app. Even if CZ Mobile is running in the background all the calls are logged into the call logs tab.

Call Recording and Call Reports Call Recording and Call Reports

Call Recording and Call Reports

All the inbound and outbound calls of existing customer will be automatically recorded. The call recordings would be temporarily stored on the individual mobile devices of the executives. These call recordings would be pushed and saved to the cloud server and will be removed from the mobile devices. The call recordings would be accessible to the administrator on the web portal.

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